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Ubicación: S t. Centro de meditación Shambhala de Petersburg/Tampa

Charla de Pema Chodrón: Trabajar con emociones difíciles

Pema Chodrón: Beloved Buddhist teacher, autor, nun, and mother, Pema Chödrön has inspired millions of people from around the world who have been touched by her example and message of practicing peace in these turbulent times.

She has been teaching and writing extensively for many years, including authoring the best-selling books When Things Fall Apart and The Places That Scare You.

Pema first met her root teacher, Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoché, en 1972. Lama Chime la animó a trabajar con Rinpoche, y fue con él que finalmente hizo su conexión más profunda. A petición del Decimosexto Karmapa, she received the full monastic ordination in the Tibetan lineage of Buddhism in 1981 En Hong Kong. She is resident teacher at Gampo Abbey in Cape Breton, nueva Escocia, the first Tibetan Buddhist monastery for westerners in North America.

S t. Centro de meditación Shambhala de Petersburg/Tampa
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2024-05-19 05:20:10