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Ubicación: Centro de Meditación Shambhala de Nueva York

Drála: Serie El Camino Sagrado (En línea)

Organizado por Shambhala en línea

Profundiza tu práctica de meditación, y continuar por el camino de las enseñanzas de Shambhala sobre el espíritu guerrero, en este retiro de fin de semana.

Drala is a Tibetan word that doesn’t have a simple translation. It refers to the sacred energy and power that exists when we step beyond aggression and also refers to the wisdom of “direct perceptionthat can be accessed through the senses. Many cultures and traditions point to this experienceof opening to wisdom that is beyond just one’s self.

The Drala weekend retreat builds on the teachings of basic goodness, "capullo", intrepidez,  curiosidad, and openness in Shambhala Training Levels I-V and the teachings of the Great Eastern Sun and Windhorsewhich allows the warrior to immediately way to open the heart, refrescar la confianza, y conectar con el momento presente. From this place of groundedness in the Shambhala teachings and connection with the present moment and personal confidence, the warrior begins an exploration of the depth of perception and how one engages the elemental and magical strength inherent in the world.

«One of the key points in discovering drala principle is realizing that your own wisdom as a human being is not separate from the power of things as they are. They are both reflections of the unconditional wisdom of the cosmic mirrorThe discovery of drala may come as an extraordinary smell, a fantastic sound, a vivid color, an unusual taste. Any perception can connect us to reality properly and fully. what we see doesn’t have to be pretty, particularly; we can appreciate anything that exists. There is some principle of magic in everything, some living quality. Something living, something real is taking place in everything.» —Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoché

requisitos previos:
caballo de viento

Este curso se ofrece a través de Shambhala Online. Para que Shambhala Nueva York reciba una parte del precio del curso, por favor seleccione «Nueva York» as your center upon registration and use the course code 2024DRALA50. ¿Debería tener algún problema?, por favor contáctenos en [email protected].

Si está interesado en formar un grupo de estudio para discutir estas enseñanzas con otros participantes de la clase en Nueva York., por favor contacta con[email protected].  Estaremos encantados de ponerte en contacto con otras personas que siguen el mismo curso..

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2024-05-18 11:52:55