Gayle Van Gils

Gayle Van Gils is the award winning author of Happier at Work: The Power of Love to Transform the Workplace, a small business owner, senior mindfulness teacher, and an Emotional Intelligence meta-coach. Gayle has been meditating all her adult life, after first being introduced to meditation by Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche at the first Naropa sessions. She teaches extensively both inside and outside of our centers. In Shambhala, Gayle teaches both Buddhist and Shambhala Training curriculum. As a “Search Inside Yourself” Global Teacher and Coach Gayle has led multiple programs for corporate, university and public audiences. Through her teachings both in person and through her online courses such Smart Tips: Wellness on the Udemy for Business platform, Gayle has helped thousands of people to find more peace, energy, inspiration, joy and success in their lives and businesses. Gayle is a mindfulness teacher on the app Simple Habit where her meditations can be found on diverse topics ranging from morning inspiration to help with sleepless nights; on the app WellnessCoach and on the RoundGlass platform. Her meditation videos can also be found on the website for her company Transform Your Culture, where Gayle offers leadership mentoring, life coaching, training and guidance for personal and corporate transformation.

Gayle's Courses

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