Heart of Recovery

Heart of Recovery is a program that is hosted by a variety of Shambhala Centers across the United States and Canada. Each of these Centers has their own Heart of Recovery group which meets on a regular basis (online and/or in person) focused upon sharing support while bringing together contemplative practice and a commitment to sobriety.

The Heart of Recovery program and group meetings are not meant as a replacement for 12-step or other recovery work, but rather as an adjunct which focuses on the 11th step of “Prayer and Meditation.” 

Newcomers will learn basic meditation techniques to enhance, not replace, their own recovery program in a familiar and comfortable environment. Experienced meditators will discover new ways to deepen their current practice and recovery program while supporting the group.

“Sobriety is finding a new way of living that involves engagement where there was withdrawal; generosity where there was self-centeredness; community where there was isolation; joy where there was bitterness; trust where there was cynicism.” 

Kevin Griffin, One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps

To see more books and resources, please click here.

Meeting formats tend to  include:

  • Sitting meditation practice
  • A topic offering in the form of brief comments or a reading by the night’s facilitator
  • Discussion and exploration by group members
  • Sharing our personal experience, strength, and hope
  • Dedication of merit
  • Note – the confidentiality of group members is protected

Open to all who are:

  • Buddhist practitioners from any tradition
  • Practitioners from any recovery program
  • Individuals interested in exploring the relationship of meditation to recovery from addiction and addictive behaviors
  • If you feel you need immediate help, please contact your local emergency hotlines.
    If you feel you need additional long-term substance abuse help, Good Heart Recovery is an independent full service Buddhist-based recovery program located in Santa Barbara, California.
    Good Heart Recovery is not affiliated or associated with Shambhala or Heart of Recovery.

To see a full list of Heart of Recovery online meetings in Centers across the U.S., click here, and you can also search upcoming Heart of Recovery meetings on Center and Group calendars.

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