Han de Wit

Han De Wit is from the Netherlands. He studied with Chögyam Trunpa Rinpoche from 1975 till Rinpoche’s death in 1987 in the United States. He established the first Shambhala Centre in Europe in Amsterdam in 1977. Since then, he has been teaching in Shambhala. His teaching activities in Shambhala have included introductory programs on Buddhist meditation, Shambhala Training levels, Ngedön School, and Vajrayana teachings, as well as training teachers and meditation instructors, and offering refuge and bodhisattva vows. Beyond that he has been invited to teach at various Zen groups and other spiritual traditions. He holds a doctorate in psychology and has been lecturing on contemplative psychology and interreligious dialogue at universities, Christian monasteries and elsewhere. He has written several books on Buddhism. He is a founder of an NGO called Gesar Fund that aims at relieving poverty and promoting healthcare for Tibetans in the region of Yushu.

As for the future, Han plans on continuing the activities he has been undertaking in the past.

You can find interviews with Han de Wit at:

Our Deepest Wish

Bright Now Festival 2014

Meeting our Ling Family in Kham

Books In German:

  1. Buddhistischer und westlicher Geist: Buddhismus im Gespraech mit der westlichen Kultur. Peterberg: Verlag Via Nova, 2001
  2. Die Verborgene Bluete: Ueber die psychologischen Hintergruende der Spiritualitaet. Petersberg: Verlag Via Nova, 1998

Books In Dutch:
1. De Lotus en de Roos. Boeddhisme voor Westerlingen. Ten Have 2016, 7e druk. Met een voorwoord van Matthieu Ricard.

  1. De Verborgen Bloei. Over de psychologische achtergronden van spiritualiteit. Ten Have, 2013, 14e druk.
  2. Het Open Veld van de Ervaring. De Boeddha over inzicht, compassie en levensgeluk. Ten Have, 2e druk, 2009.
  3. Wijsheid in Emotie. Ten Have, 2014.
  4. De Drie Juwelen. Hoe het pad van de Boeddha op te gaan. Ten Have, 2005.
  5. Contemplatieve Psychologie. Ten Have 2004, 4e druk, ook beschikbaar als e-book.
  6. Boeddhisme voor denkers. Samen met Jeroen Hopster. Ten Have, 2017, 4e druk.

Books In English:

  1. The Great Within: The Transformative Power and Psychology of the Spiritual path. Boulder: Shambhala Publications, 2019.
  2. Contemplative Psychology. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1991

Books In French:
1. Le Lotus et la Rose. Le bouddhisme dialogue avec l’ Occident. Kunchab (Belgium, ISBN 90 74815 64 2, avril, 2002)

  1. Bouddha philosophe. Petit Traité de sagesse. Paris: L’Iconoclaste, 2016

Books In Spanish:
El loto y la Rosa. El budismo dialoga con Occidente. Prefacio de Matthieu Ricard. Editiones Kaicron, 2018

Han's Courses

Ben je benieuwd wat het betekent om boeddhist te worden? Of heb je net Toevlucht genomen? Dit weekend staan de Drie Juwelen (de Boeddha, de Dharma en de Sangha) centraal. En is er de mogelijkheid om de Toevlucht-gelofte af te leggen bij Han de Wit.
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2024-09-18 23:42:25