Teacher: Mary Lang
Mary Lang
Mary Lang is a photographer, artist, and a long-time student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, whom she first met in 1974. She also studied with Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche until 2019. She has taught at Shambhala Centers throughout New England for more than 35 years and is known for the clarity, warmth and humor of her teaching style. Mary teaches both Buddhism and Shambhala teachings, and has served in leadership at Shambhala Centers on and off for decades. She is currently the Chair of the Board of the Boston Shambhala Center. Her current inquiry is around how to make the essence of these teachings relevant and accessible to the 21st century world we inhabit, with a particular interest in the climate crisis and in anti-racism. She is an exhibiting photographer/artist whose uses landscape as a way to express both love and grief for the earth, images imbued with groundlessness, drala and ordinary magic. Mary also has expertise in aging and end-of-life, having worked as a social worker in eldercare. A dedicated gardener, she lives in Auburndale, MA outside Boston with her husband. She has two grown children and one grandson. Learn more about Mary at her website or on Instagram.