<strong>Cancelled</strong> In this fifth and final level of the Heart of Warriorship training, we will learn to inhabit the gentleness, openness, and precision of our true nature so that the present moment can unfold around us in all its vivid brilliance.

Communicating with the world gently and fearlessly, our awareness is sharpened and we find the open clear sky of mind - a delightful source of wisdom and uplifted energy. We trust our nature enough to let go into the present moment. Prerequisite: Awaken

Communicating with the world gently and fearlessly, our awareness is sharpened and we find the open clear sky of minda delightful source of wisdom and uplifted energy. We trust our nature enough to let go into the present moment.

When we communicate with the world gently and fearlessly, our awareness is sharpened. We find the delightful source of wisdom and uplifted energy of the open, clear sky of mind.

As our awareness expands we communicate with our world both gently and fearlessly. We find the clear open sky of mind, a vast source of freedom and uplifted energy. Can we trust our nature enough to let go into the present moment?
2024-09-11 07:59:24