Location: 4540 Kearney Villa Road, Suite111, San Diego, CA 92123
Program Cost $30 per class and includes branches and flowers, teacher honorarium and contribution to the center. Please let Donna ([email protected] ) know by the Wednesday before if you will attend the series. Beginners are encouraged to take all 4 classes. If you want to attend an individual class, please notify Donna by the Wednesday before.
Class Dates:
Sat. Feb 17th
Sat. Mar 2nd
Sat. Apr 6th
Sat. May 4th
DO NOT pay online. Instead, payment will be made directly to the teacher at the first class (either by cash or check). This simplifies the process of buying fresh materials for each class.
Kalapa Ikebana was founded by Chogyam Trungpa as a contemplative practice of expressing gentleness and elegance through the art of flower arrangement. It is a quiet practice of mindfulness allowing the student to experience harmony with nature and one’s perception. The process of arranging flowers and other materials allows the free expression of our true nature.
Donna has taught Kalapa Ikebana (KI) at the center since 2014 as well as practicums at the Naropa University and beginning students at KI and had been active on the KI Steering Committee for many years. She has exhibited in SDMA Art Alive shows, International Ikebana shows and Sogetsu Ikebana shows.
If you can offer the full program tuition, that is what we request. If it is possible for you to offer more than the stated amount, please do so as it allows us to make these programs available to those who may not be able to pay the full amount. If, after contemplating this policy, you feel the tuition presents an obstacle please contact the program coordinator by email. Put Kalapa Ikebana in the subject line and we will work with you to set a different amount