“White Awareness Insight Curriculum for Uprooting Privilege (WAIC UP!): White and Awakening in the Dharma” is an 8-class curriculum that invites white participants into deep reflection, meditation practice and community discussion around race and privilege.
Classes will include sitting meditation, followed by discussions based around selected sources (articles, book excerpts, videos) that participants review before each class. These gatherings will be facilitated by members of Pioneer Valley Shambhala Meditation Center, while providing opportunities for other participants to host and facilitate as well. It is our intention to work with these resources and contemplations together, with a shared responsibility for the container and our discussions.
Participants must have an existing meditation practice, and attend an introductory class via zoom on Saturday, August 31st from 10:00-11:00 a.m.
“As with all forms of suffering, the Dharma offers enormous gifts to meet the ongoing reality of racial suffering. This is no less true for members of the white majority who participate, often unconsciously, in racial harm. The white person’s version of racial suffering is complex and potentially difficult to name, bound as it is in denial, guilt, hatred (even self-hatred) and overwhelm. Dharma practice affords the opportunity to turn towards this suffering and with mindful, loving attention, investigate deeply, dispel our ignorance, allow our hearts to break, and learn to respond with wisdom and compassion.”
– WAIC-UP! Curriculum
A regular sitting meditation practice; the willingness to explore challenges and preconceived ideas; the aspiration to treat oneself and others with patience and kindness. There will be a required on Saturday August 31st check-in before the class begins. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.
Participants will need access to an electronic device in order to do the required homework for each class. In the event a hard copy is preferred, you will also need access to a printer.
Open Door Policy:
Our intent is to share the Shambhala Buddhist teachings with all who are interested in participating, regardless of financial circumstances.
Most of our programs have a Sustaining Price — which represents the amount needed to cover the center’s costs, and includes things such as our rent, materials and supplies, etc. Our programs also have an Enriching Price — for those who are able to offer more than the Sustaining Fee. Your generosity in offering the Enriching Fee helps cover the costs for those who are not able to pay the full price.