Teacher: John Rockwell
John Rockwell
John Rockwell has been on the path of dharma for 47 years. He met Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1975 and studied and practiced the Buddhist and Shambhala teachings for 12 years with him, and in particular worked with him on translating Tibetan texts into English. For ten years, he studied and taught at Naropa University in the Buddhist Studies department. For many years, he served as an acharya or senior teacher for Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and also studied intensively with Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. His inspiration now is to open the heart and senses on the spot.
John's Courses
Opening Our Heart to Mahamudra
Mahamudra is a journey of glimpses. Meditation practice is the first step and ground for tuning into the nature of our mind, but the leap comes when we open our heart to ourselves and our world in everyday life.
No Prerequisites
Finding Freedom: The Core Teachings of the Buddha, Course II - The Second Noble Truth: The Origin of Suffering, Part I - The Five Skandas
Having recognized the truth of suffering and the confusion that is pervasive in our life, we naturally have questions. In this in-depth exploration of the Five Skandhas, we will touch these layers or constellations of experience one by one.
No Prerequisites
Intro to Meditation
A Year of Deepening in Compassion - Part II: The Joyful Snow Lion and The Paramitas
A Year of Deepening in Compassion: Part two of a four-part series exploring the Shambhala Mahayana teachings.
No Prerequisites
SSBS & other Buddhist Courses others
A Year of Deepening in Compassion - Part IV: Lojong and Compassionate Engagement
A Year of Deepening in Compassion: Part four of a four-part series exploring the Shambhala Mahayana teachings.
No Prerequisites
SSBS & other Buddhist Courses others
Shambhala Path
What is Real? The Basic Goodness of Reality
Emphasizing core Buddhist teachings and the natural world, this course helps reveal the magic and wonder of the world.
Prerequisites apply FIEL (attendance)
Basic Goodness 3
Earth, Water, Fire and All the Elements: Reading the Sadhana of Mahamudra as if for the First Time
This pre-recorded course explores the Sadhana of Mahamudra "as if for the first time."
No Prerequisites
Sadhana of Mahamudra
Shambhala Path
Wisdom in Everyday Life
Meditation sharpens our intelligence and uncovers our wisdom. When we touch the world directly, we discover ordinary magic.
Prerequisites apply FIEL (attendance)
Advanced Study
Cycle of the Black Ashe
Cycle of the Black Ashe is a series of talks by Robin Kornman on the Terma cycle by the Vidyadhara, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. This course is built around seven talks that are open to Warrior Assembly grads. One talk is restricted to SS practitioners.
Prerequisites apply Warrior Assembly (attendance)
Warrior Assembly
Three Yanas of the Great Eastern Sun
A self-study course based on a weekend retreat with John Rockwell. The view of this course is to understand how all three yanas of the Buddhist journey can join together.
No Prerequisites
Intro to Meditation
A Year of Deepening in Compassion Series
Full series exploring the Shambhala Mahayana teachings.
No Prerequisites
SSBS & other Buddhist Courses others
Finding Freedom: The Core Teachings of the Buddha
This is a five-course-series that provides a thorough exploration of the Hinayana path drawing on teachings from prominent teachers and classic sources.
No Prerequisites
Intro to Meditation
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