Online Courses in Shambhala Path
Live Courses
Advanced Study
Sacred Path: Great Eastern Sun
Deepen your meditation practice, and continue along the path of the Shambhala teachings on warriorship, in this weekend retreat.
Prerequisites apply Level V: Open Sky (attendance)
Advanced Study
Sacred Path: Drala
Deepen your meditation practice, and continue along the path of the Shambhala teachings on warriorship, in this weekend retreat.
Prerequisites apply Windhorse (attendance)
Recorded Courses
Shambhala Path
Contentment in Everyday Life
Contentment can be hard to find. With meditation and contemplation practice, we can relax with ourselves as we are and appreciate simple human experience.
No Prerequisites
Shambhala Path
Fearlessness in Everyday Life
Learning to work with our anxiety, we are not blocked by fear. Through an exploration of the Buddhist teachings of mind and the nature of reality, we learn to see clearly.
Prerequisites apply JIEL (attendance)
Shambhala Path
How Can I Help? The Basic Goodness of Society
This six-session recorded course explores our relationships with others, an aspiration to help our world, and specific aspects of social transformation.
No Prerequisites
Shambhala Path
Joy in Everyday Life
As meditation practice expands and we develop trust in basic goodness, we can begin to discover the confidence and personal energy to go forward on the journey, which leads to a sense of joy.
No Prerequisites
Shambhala Path
Meditation in Everyday Life
This course provides introductory tools and teachings for working with meditation in everyday life.
No Prerequisites
Shambhala Path
What is Real? The Basic Goodness of Reality
Emphasizing core Buddhist teachings and the natural world, this course helps reveal the magic and wonder of the world.
Prerequisites apply FIEL (attendance)
Shambhala Path
Who Am I? The Basic Goodness of Being Human
A journey of contemplative inquiry focused on the timeless question, "Who am I?"
No Prerequisites
Shambhala Path
Wisdom in Everyday Life
Meditation sharpens our intelligence and uncovers our wisdom. When we touch the world directly, we discover ordinary magic.
Prerequisites apply FIEL (attendance)
Shambhala Path
World of Gesar
In 1992 and 1999, Dr. Robin Kornman held intensive retreats at Karmê Chöling which explored the Shambhala practices and teachings related to the Epic of Gesar. This course is drawn from six of the talks in those retreats.
No Prerequisites
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