Basic Goodness Series, this is only placeholder please do not delete

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the …In Everyday Life Series, this is only placeholder please do not delete

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The Five Keys to Mindful Communication (224973)

Learn how to use deep listening and mindful speech to strengthen relationships, heal conflicts, and accomplish your goals.

Who Am I? The Basic Goodness of Being Human (October 2015) (231470)

Taught by Kalapa Acharya Adam Lobel.

This first course in the Basic Goodness Series focuses on our understanding of self. We will explore teachings on basic goodness, selflessness, the arising of ego and the five skandhas, cocoon, buddha nature, and the confidence of warriorship. We will practice contemplative investigations of the self based upon the four Foundations of Mindfulness.
The six week course includes meditation instruction, discussion groups, talks, and question and answer sessions.

The Core of Society: Relationships as Path (223196)

This class explores the possibilities for personal growth which lie at the heart of our closest relationships. We will explore applying the mindfulness and awareness is cultivated in meditation practice to our intimate relationships.

In the Shambhala tradition there is no separation between the worldly and the spiritual. The path of meditation and it’s culture apply to our intimate relationships

Contentment in Everyday Life (CIEL – Oct2015) (231321)

Acharya Eve Rosenthal guides us through this course on cultivating a gentle and friendly relationship with our every day lives. Through talks, guided meditation, contemplation, and discussion, we gain understanding and experience of unconditional contentment as well as exploring the obstacles and challenges to experiencing simplicity and nowness. This course is beneficial to new and experienced meditators alike.

Shambhala Kyerim: Entering the Heart of the Werma Sadhana

A course on Shambhala Kyerim as it relates to the Werma Sadhana

Shambhala Lineage Supplication: A Short Course

This three-part class is for individuals and groups wishing to look more deeply at the Supplication to the Shambhala Lineage, one of the most important chants in the Shambhala tradition.


An introduction to the practice of the Werma Sadhana, with supporting study and exercises.

Wisdom in Everyday Life (November 2015) (231407)

Taught by Acharya John Rockwell. Meditation uncovers our wisdom. This wisdom is always present, and can be applied to transform confused situations and emotions into effective actions. No longer deterred or depressed by obstacles, we can include everything as part of the path. The challenges of daily life become opportunities for both contemplative practice and social and ecological action. We will receive practical instructions for discovering trust and magic.

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