Event Type: Level II: Birth of the Warrior
Shambhala Training: Birth of the Warrior (In Person)
Shambhala Training reveals our innate fundamental human goodness, a discovery that motivates us to grow. As we move forward, though, we encounter resistance. By working with the fear underlying this resistance, we can transform it into gentle fearlessness
Shambhala Training Level 2 – Birth of the Warrior
The second weekend of the Shambhala Training meditation program. Facing our habitual patterns with mindfulness and tenderness.
Shambhala Training: Birth of the Warrior, Level 2
This weekend builds on the foundation of the meditation practice introduced in Shambhala Training Level I by exploring how habitual ways of thinking obscure the raw brilliance of the world.
Birth of the Warrior: Shambhala Training Level II
Having experienced a taste of basic goodness, we want to go forward. Meditation practice allows us to observe how we create a cocoon of habits to mask our fear. […]
Shambhala Training™ Stufe 2 – Furchtlosigkeit entdecken
Auf wie viel Lebendigkeit und Echtheit verzichten wir aus Angst? Was kostet unser sicherer Kokon aus ego-schützenden Gewohnheitsmustern? Im zweiten Wochenende des Shambhala Trainings stellen wir uns diesen Fragen. (Ort: Biberstraße)
Shambhala Training II: Birth of the Warrior (Hybrid)
The sacred warrior conquers the world not through violence and aggression but through gentleness, courage, and self-knowledge. This program builds on the teachings and practice from Shambhala Training I: The Art of Being Human.
Weekend Meditation Retreat – The Birth of the Warrior with Elaine Yuen
Birth of the Warrior: Shambhala Training Level II builds on the presentation of basic goodness in Shambhala Level I, and explores how habitual ways of thinking, known as “cocoon” in Shambhala, obscure the raw brilliance of ourselves and the world we live.
Shambhala Training Weekend II: De geboorte van de krijger
Shambhala Training onthult onze fundamentele goedheid en laat ons zien hoe we onszelf daarin belemmeren. Door te begrijpen hoe angst en emoties ons gevangen houden in patronen, kunnen we ons verder openen voor deze aangeboren goedheid.
Shambhala Training: Level II – Birth of the Warrior [In-Person]
In Birth of the Warrior, we examine our fears and our habitual patterns by training the mind to meet challenging moments with courage and confidence. Prerequisite: Shambhala Training: Level I - The Art of Being Human.
Level II: Birth of the Warrior
This second weekend of Shambhala Training intensifies the discipline of meditation practice, enabling participants to work with obstacles that may have arisen as meditation practice develops.