Event Type: Weekthun
Sadhana Mahamudry – tygodniowe odosobnienie medytacyjne (weekthun)/ Sadhana of Mahamudra Weeklong retreat
W tym tygodniu intensywnej medytacji będziemy zgłębiać nauki Sadhany Mahamudry - termy Chogyama Trungpy Rinpoche
Holiday Meditation Retreat
Come and sit with us for six days.... and ring in the new year.
A Five Day Practice Intensive at the Shambhala Center
Only when you can be extremely soft and pliable can you be extremely hard and strong. (Zen proverb)
A Week of Meditation: Shamatha-Vipashyana Weekthün [2]
In this one-week of group retreat (weekthün), we will explore shamatha-vipashyana meditation taught by Shakyamuni Buddha.
A Week of Meditation: Shamatha-Vipashyana Weekthün [1]
In this one-week of group retreat (weekthün), we will explore shamatha-vipashyana meditation taught by Shakyamuni Buddha.