This workshop provides introductory tools and teachings for everyone who is interested in learning how to meditate, regardless of background or belief. With simple instructions and support, meditation practice can become an integral part of our lives.

This workshop provides introductory tools and teachings for everyone who is interested in learning how to meditate, regardless of background or belief. With simple instructions and support, meditation practice can become an integral part of our lives.

An ongoing monthly working group to help each other prepare for death. Newcomers are welcome. Our monthly meetings include meditation, discussion, and contemplation, drawing on our Buddhist teachings.

An ongoing monthly working group to help each other prepare for death. Newcomers are welcome. Our monthly meetings include meditation, discussion, and contemplation, drawing on our Buddhist teachings.

Cette soirée sadressera à tous, débutants souhaitant découvrir ou toutes personnes souhaitant intensifier sa pratique avec le soutien du groupe. Inscription obligatoire, session en présentiel uniquement.

<strong>Cancelled</strong> In daily life we dont have to create the concept of letting go, of being free, or anything like that at all. We can just acknowledge the freedom that was already there - and just by the memory of it, just by the idea of it, there is a quick glimpse.
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2024-05-08 13:35:57