Shambhala Garden Share (532724)

Melting the Ice & Getting Unstuck: On The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva (524637)

with Acharya Mathias Pongracz
The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva, by the 14th-century monk Ngulchu Thogme Sangpo, provides clear insights on how to work with such challenging and seemingly intractable life situations. It points to the skillful means that bring us the strength of heart to work with difficult circumstances while being of benefit to others.

The Development of Peace: Basic Teachings of Buddha (521698)

A 4-week course on fundamental teachings given by the historical Buddha to cultivate peacefulness and a sane relationship to ourselves, others and life in general.

The Student-Teacher Relationship Through the Three Yanas (521697)

Teacher: Acharya Moh Hardin

Right Use of Power (515895 German)

Dr. Cedar Barstow of the Right Use of Power Institute teaches on the skills, understandings and ethical considerations of using power wisely and justly. Susan Skjei will facilitate live sessions with Dr. Barstow and participants. Thanks to Jon Ransohoff and to the Shambhala Trust for their generous support of the Right Use of Power training development.

Parte 1 Arte Shambhala (512498)

El proceso creativo tiene más que ver con la percepción que con el talento y requiere de que primero percibamos el mundo tal y como es antes de poderlo representar en alguna forma o utilizarlo como plataforma para la expresión. La meditación nos ayuda en este proceso a clarificar nuestras percepciones, relajando nuestro monólogo implacable y desvelando la fuente de la creatividad. A través de la meditación también aprendemos a descansar en el ‘punto de partida’ un estado de atención plena y conciencia donde nuestra mente, cuerpo y entorno están sincronizados y la autoexpresión se puede transformar en expresión pura.

Shambhala Art Part 5 (510999)

Shambhala Art Part 3b builds on the foundation of Part 3a. In this part we will begin to explore the three principles — space, form, and energy — in physical objects. This process will draw on our understanding of felt sense and thought sense, and our developed meditation practice. We will also engage the viewing process.

Shambhala Art Part 4: The Power of Display (510910)

Shambhala Art Part 3b builds on the foundation of Part 3a. In this part we will begin to explore the three principles — space, form, and energy — in physical objects. This process will draw on our understanding of felt sense and thought sense, and our developed meditation practice. We will also engage the viewing process.

Vajrakilaya Practice: Overcoming Obstacles with Wrathful Compassion (509150)

At the end of the year and in times of difficulty, Vajrakilaya practice is done in order to overcome obstacles and döns. To learn more about Vajrakilaya practice, join us for recorded talks and guided Vajrakilaya practice with Eve Rosenthal.

Primordial Purity (508565)

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