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Tuesday Morning Meditation

Montreal 1225 boulevard St-Joseph Est, suite 201, Montréal

Take a moment to ease your mind and start your day well.

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Heart of Recovery (In person & Online)

Community Room - Boulder 1345 Spruce St., Boulder

A facilitated weekly meeting for people in recovery, with meditation, contemplation, and sharing.

Learn to Meditate (Online)

New York P.O. Box 1599, New York

Led by an experienced instructor, this basic meditation class is for beginners as well as anyone who would like to refresh their understanding of the technique.

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Weekly Meditation

Troy Troy

Meditation and studying online weekly with a like-minded practitioner based community.

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Tuesday Evening Meditation and Talk

Montreal 1225 boulevard St-Joseph Est, suite 201, Montréal

Meditate and go deeper into the teachings

Tuesday public meditation (Hybrid)

Cleveland 17309 Madison Ave., Lakewood, OH

Open group meditation practice. Meditation instruction always available.

CAUSERIE: Lecture et partage

Québec Espace M , 917 Mgr Grandin, bureau 107, Québec

Les mardis 19h à 21h, 12 et 26 mars, 9 avril, 7 mai
28 mai sur le thème de l'écoute

Pratica shamatha settimanale

Ticino Via Berta 10, Giubiasco

Ogni martedì sera ci incontriamo per praticare shamatha. È possibile partecipare a distanza, tramite zoom.Chi volesse iniziare, può ricevere la prima istruzione di meditazione da un istruttore o una guida […]

CAUSERIE: Contemplation

Québec Espace M , 917 Mgr Grandin, bureau 107, Québec

Mardis 19h à 21h, 5 et 19 mars, 2 avril, 7 mai

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Entraîner son esprit, cest possible ?

Teacher Suite - Marseille 55 rue Jaubert, Marseille

Soirée d'enseignement et de pratique à partir des slogans du Lojong

2024-05-28 08:27:42