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Dein Tag – einfach “Nichtstun”

Cologne Genter Straße 25, Köln

Wir widmen uns der Meditationspraxis, machen Körperübungen und studieren spirituelle Texte. Offen für alle.

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Friday Morning Book Group

Albany 747 Madison Avenue, Albany

Beginning November 3rd, the Friday Book Group will be reading, "Living Non-Duality: Enlightenment Teachings of Self-Realization" by Robert Wolfe. This is a Zoom event.

Werma Feast

Annapolis PO Box 594, Annapolis Royal

Werma Feast is open to all who completed the pre-requisites.

Queer Dharma (Online)

New York P.O. Box 1599, New York

Select Friday Evenings | $15 suggested donation

We are an open community of meditation practitioners led by and for LGBTQI+ identified people and their friends. We meet online via Zoom every month on a Friday at 6pm.

2024-05-07 05:26:05